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Patch - X3: Reunion : X3: Reunion

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Zur Weltraum-Simulation 'X3: Reunion' gibt es einen neuen Patch auf die Version 1.4. Damit werden einige neue Features und Bugfixes eingeführt.

New features:

- Tug Laser allows M6/TL class ships to move stations using a tractor beam
- New commands for automated mobile mining are available through the Special Command Software
- New option to have ships contact you once they have completed their current command

Other improvements:

- Improved performance in sectors with large asteroid counts
- If a hired TL freighter is destroyed an entry in your logbook will be created
- New military ships have better scanners
- M6 class ships have better energy generators
- Adjusted collision avoidance of gates and small asteroids
- Number of Xenon ships roaming the universe has been reduced
- Amount of civilian ships has been rebalanced

New graphics options:

- More Dynamic Light Sources: if disabled the number of dynamic light sources will be reduced (per pixel light is still rendered); disabling this will have a slight positive effect on game performance
- Ship Colour Variations: if disabled ship colours will not be shifted; disabling this will have a slight positive effect on game performance
- Disable Vertex Size Optimisation: enabling this option will fix the "black triangle" bug some ATI users reported in 1.3:

Please note that this issue only occurs on newer ATI cards with certain driver versions. ATI has found the problem and it should be fixed in future driver versions. Please check if you still need to disable this option when you update your drivers so you can take advantage of the optimisation.

Bug fixes

- Alt-Tab should no longer cause a crash!
- Freeze caused by story mission fixed
- Freeze caused by Trade Command Software MK3 fixed
- Trade Command Software MK3 energy supply fixed
- Factory in Bala Gi's Joy is rebuilt
- Black screen when leaving a sector fixed
- Jump drive functionality after buying Kha'ak specifications restored
- Xenon ships no longer spawn in Teladi shipyards
- Yaki pilots without face/voice fixed
- Motionless Kha'ak clusters fixed
- Usage of video and audio codecs optimised to fix various problems
- Shockwave Generator and Mass Driver weapons have been optimised to reduce their impact on game performance
- Cockpit positions for turrets corrected
- Lighting of custom geometry (e.g. cockpit mod) fixed
- Terran ships no longer pursue the player through the whole universe after he jumped out of the sector
- Newly built Xenon M2 ships are properly equipped with shields
- Uncontrolled spawning of large amounts of Yaki ships in certain sectors has been fixed. (note that it may take a few minutes after loading a savegame until the numbers are back to normal)
- Many other minor problems resolved

Note: Savegame compatibility is maintained from all previous publicly released versions to 1.4, including public BETA versions 1.3.1 and 1.3.2.
Dateiname: X3Update1.3_to_1.4.exe
Dateigröße: 69 MB

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X3: Reunion
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