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Patch - Din's Curse: Demon War : Entwickler bessern MacOS-Fassung weiter nach

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moved combustion2.tga & blueRing01.tga from expansion to base game (Archon)
added a note in the manual about AppData being hidden by default (Hagaar)
now use smaller font for mouse wheel function & keyboard layout so text fits (Ghoulgoat)
added command to test all effects for missing textures
fixed priest skill hit effect
fixed a couple more effects


localized Legendary, Dagger, Close, Accept, Bestiary, Inventory, Minimap, Money, Cancel, TeleportToGate, Manastone, Healthstone, Size, Health, Damage, DPS, damage, Entering, and lvl (DetlevH)
fixed Solve localization (DetlevH)
fixed armor & Durability localization (DetlevH)
fixed Windows patch installer to be smarter about picking directory to install to
fixed some stalker/kodiak animation issues when holding a bow
made Taris slightly easier (m0stly_harmless)
now print info to screen & console after taking screenshot
moved key location on mac where non-admins could write to
added a don't color code equipment option
fixed too many fire/poison explosions at once being too loud (Saxman_72)
now destroying a chest has a chance to break an item it contains
made stairs click collision much smaller
made fire/poison a little quieter (Saxman_72)
added dangerous monsters world creation option (Backwood)
added clumsy character advanced option (DeathKnight1728)
no longer automatically solve all quests in won town (Roswitha)
position in list ui (like getting quests) now behaves better when an item is removed
inanimate objects no longer considered sentient
auras from things like totems no longer effect inanimate objects (Archon)
fixed a Failed Quest Slot Empty Quest problem (Archon)
now use English as a backup if missing any translations, makes new stuff work better (DetlevH)
now turn towards what you are attacking more when moving
there is now a way to turn off the xp abandon penalty in database for non-hardcore characters (Jorlen)
added a very fast pace world option
more UI tweaks
lots of effects improvements
some ground and environment texture improvements

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Informationen zum Download:

Dateiname: DCMacPatch1006_OSX.zip
Dateigrösse: 7 MB

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